= 2.0 Released April 18th, 2023 =
* Timer now displays and counts down if using [close text/button delay] setting.
* Timer now displays and counts down if using [auto close ad after X] setting.
= 1.9.3 Released February 1st, 2022 =
* Added option to Automatically overlay custom meta fields.
* PHP 8 support changes.
* WP 5.9 support changes.
= 1.9.2 Released October 22nd, 2021 =
* Added extra debug messages for auto overlay.
= 1.9.1 Released May 25th, 2021 =
* Plugin Update Checker updated to v4.11
* Sanitize all output elements.
* Unique prefixes.
= 1.9 Released March 17th, 2021 =
* Allow empty ads to display an empty overlay.
* Allow auto overlay to process additional shortcode.
* BugFix: mce ‘aoa’ button did not work properly using Classic Editor on latest WordPress.
= 1.8 Released November 1st, 2019 =
* Updated Plugin Update Checker to v4.6
* Ensure no extra whitespace in Auto Overlay field Ids.
* Added option to repeat ads showing every X seconds.
* Added fix for JS type variable being undefined.
= 1.7 Released November 5th, 2018 =
* Added option ‘Show Ads on Mobile’ for visitors on mobile devices.
* Added option ‘Show Ad after’ to show ads on content only after X seconds.
* Added option ‘Domain whitelist’ to not show ads if referering domain is on whitelist.
* Added ‘Ad Preview’ on edit page.
= 1.6.2 Released October 22nd, 2018 =
* Fix ‘aoa-click’ trigger and modified its cookie to 24 hours.
= 1.6.1 Released June 20th, 2018 =
* Changed AoA’s the_content filter to priority 99 so it occurs later in filter queue.
= 1.6 Released Oct 31st, 2017 =
* Added support for custom CSS class ‘aoa-click’ for non-embeds. When this type of ad is clicked, overlay will close and cookie set to not show ads to this user for 12 hours.
* Bugfix: Check for cookie if using automatic overlays.
* Fixed typecase for wp_localize_script call.
* Fixed possible jQuery error in aoa-mce.js that adds button to WP visual editor.
= 1.5 Released April 10th, 2016 =
* Added filter ‘aoa_shortcode_atts’ for user to custom modify ad rules.
* Added shortcode ‘idcookie’. If COOKIE is set, this ad id shown instead.
* replaced curl with wp_remote_get.
* moved setcookie() to WP init action.
= 1.4.3 Released February 12th, 2016 =
* Added admin only option for live testing.
= 1.4.2 Released February 2nd, 2016 =
* Apply do_shortcode when AOA triggers negative match rules.
= 1.4.1 Released February 1st, 2016 =
* Allow cookie duration to be float, such as 0.5 = 30 minutes.
= 1.4 Released January 27th, 2016 =
* Added ability to call AOA from PHP scripts, without WordPress.
* Bugfix to edit Inactive ads.
= 1.3.1 Released December 24th, 2015 =
* Shows Ads: Verify checkboxes after Submit.
* Added option ‘Random Ads Status’ to disable random ads from displaying.
* Bugfix to recognize meta field ‘aoa_id’ to override shortcode or auto ads.
= 1.3 Released December 18th, 2015 =
* Added option to auto remove ads after delay.
* Added option to show 1 ad per user per X hours.
* Support post custom meta field ‘aoa_id’. If set to < 0, no auto ads will be shown.
= 1.2.1 Released December 9th, 2015 =
* Added media button to ad content editor.
= 1.2 Released December 8th, 2015 =
* CSS tweak when ad is bigger than the overlay.
* Added option to delay display of Close Text and Close Button.
* Added uninstall.php file
= 1.1.1 Released December 4th, 2015 =
* Bugfix for recognizing multiple IDs in shortcode.
= 1.1 Released December 3rd, 2015 =
* Tweak for calling AoA PHP function directly.
* Envato API tweaks.
= 1.0 Released November 30th, 2015 =
* Initial Release